Thursday, July 10, 2008

my hair my love... GOODBYE!

I hadn't cut my hair in almost a whole YEAR! The plan was to grow it out until August, but I couldn't stand it any longer. It was getting icky and scraggly and it only looked okay for the first 10 minutes after I straightened it. Overall, it was just getting to be too much work than I was willing to put into it! It would get tangled even if there was a slight breeze outside, and it would get hot on my neck... I was just ready for it to be gone! So, I cut it! I finally feel like I'm back to being myself!
I love that I can ride in a Jeep and get out and have my hair look exactly the same, no worries, no work. This is my haircut, and no matter how hard I work to keep it long, it just isn't me. This is! Me and my short hair!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Lindsey! You finally posted again! I love your hair by the way! I hope your summer is going well.