Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sushi? Not so much.

The picture doesn't show how nervous I was. This is RAW fish we are talking about here! I naively threw a roll into my mouth, hoping for the best, but it simply wouldn't chew. I swallowed as best I could, trying to paint a happy face over my disgusted one. And if that's not enough to gross you out, check out the red stuff on top of the rolls of sushi. Wanna take a stab at what that is? You got it: FISH EGGS! Caleb wasn't lying about the Pop-Rocks effect when you chew them up in your mouth. I wondered what all the popping was inside my mouth... And to make things worse, after I swallowed my atrocious mouthful, Caleb said, "You know what's gross? I'm going to be finding these red things in my teeth all night." YUCK!

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