Sunday, December 19, 2010

Trying New Things

I haven't pushed New Post in almost two years, but here I am.
Back. And writing.
My well is no longer dry. I am here, I am. This part of me is no longer dead. It's here, Revived like me.
I've done a lot of growing up, a lot of coloring my picture without the pink. I have done things I would have never imagined myself growing up to do, a lot of things learned I never imagined that I could know
but I know them, and they are a part of me
growing and blossoming into a tree of me.
I took the GRE. I ran a 10K. I'm graduating. I learned to play guitar and cook and teach Relief Society and plan meals for more than 100 people
I learned to love
I learned to cope
I am
Courage and Tenacity. Faith and Hope.
And would I trade it? No I would never trade it. My picture is my picture, and I needed to color it all by myself for two years.

It's easy to get comfortable, doing what we do everyday
Taking the same route, calling the same people, cooking the same things, playing the same chords and songs we've played for two years.
it's easy. Familiar.
We resist Mom saying Come try this. We ignore Opportunity because we're scared, or we think we're busy with more important things
until It nags us so much that we give in.
And then we learn a new strumming pattern, when we initially didn't think we could
and tears of this indescribable JOY and gloriousness well up in our eyes
because we can do what we never thought possible.


Chelle said...

WOW Lindsey, what a beautiful post! You are seriously SUCH an amazing writer! You need to make a collection of your poetry. And your insights are so profound. I wrote in my journal about how you are mature beyond your years. I'm glad you are blogging again! It's fun to read your thoughts. Love ya!

Julia M. said...

Agreed--phenomenal writing, Linds! I love it. I'm glad you're back. Growing is so painful, but always so rewarding in the end, isn't it?

I am excited to find out about this summer!