Monday, March 16, 2009

It was my dream. It came true.

This was last Friday. I was getting ready for my big interview for the Dietetics Program. Do I look nervous? I was a little nervous. I wore my first pencil skirt, Dana's black tights, and Lyndi's corporate heels - the pointy kind with bows. I didn't walk to school in them. That would have been asking for a very embarrassing trip and fall... so I kept them in a bag until I got to the Eyring Science Center. I made the switch from my flats to heels for my 13 minute interview. Then the corporate heels came off as soon as I turned the corner from the Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Science hall. Very professional.
This was today. I got my acceptance letter! I've been waiting for this day for 2 whole years. I can now officially say that my major is the Dietetics major. I no longer have to say that I'm a Pre-dietetics major, and then explain the application process, and that I'm hoping to get into the program...
I'm in!

Not only did a lovely letter come in the mail, but a package too! I was expecting textbooks from Amazon, so when a very large box arrived, I was quite confused. It turned out to be six boxes of Gluten Free Gorilla Munch Cereal, and six boxes of Gluten Free Granola Bars! It was a very unexpected surprise from a very nice person in my ward. Can you believe how thoughtful people are? I have never felt more loved by a ward member. How wonderful. People really care for each other. It's only the beginning- look at all these other pictures!

This is a birthday cake from the old people at Cove Point Retirement. Isn't that sweet of them to make me a birthday cake? (A month late, but it's the thought, right?)

Gluten free pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and French Silk chocolate pie. A guy in my ward had a "Pi Day" party on 3/14, and he made lots of pies for everyone to enjoy- including me! He borrowed some ingredients from me and made 3 gluten free pies! Isn't that amazing? The brownie in the pie tin is from a girl in my ward named Shannon. She is a gluten-free girl too and we share treats all the time :)

Gluten free chocolate chip cookies made by Lyndi my roommate. Tasty.

These are gluten free cheese curls from Rob. He said he saw them at Costco and thought of me. Isn't that so sweet?

Glamour shot of my unexpected package today!

There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved. People take care of me down here- I'm so lucky!

How is it that so many good things happened all at once? Do I want to say goodnight to this wonderful day?


Courtney said...

Lindsay! Congrats! That's so exciting!!! :)

Julia M. said...

Congrats Linds! That makes me so happy for you. And I love that everyone loves you. You are just so darn lovable!

Chelle said...

Linzers, that is so exciting!!!! We knew you'd get in. But like you said, it's so nice to finally know for sure and be able to plan your life a little more. And looks like you really ARE loved. I can't believe all those nice things people did for you! So thoughtful. WE're excited to see you this weekend!

Scott McMillan said...

Congratulations Linds!! So exciting even though I knew that they wouldn't be able to resist you in their program. The program and all the people you are going to bless in the future are so lucky. What a rewarding path this will be for you.

Anna said...

Congrats and I am excited to make tons of GF treats with you!