Every phase of life seems to come and go so quickly. I feel like I just barely put on my grad cap and gown and walked, but that was four months ago (kind of a long time!) and now I am moving to Provo in exactly two weeks. How much do I need to get done in two weeks? A lot. Like finish my scrapbook and finish good reading and detail my car and memorize lab values and play...
play very hard.
and it all will get done because I love checklists.
Can I say that this SUMMER has flown by and is ending so differently than it started?
Here I am saying it. That it is so much more full of life and glorious things than I ever expected
More than I ever expected. How often do we say that life has exceeded expectations?
Here I am saying it
that worlds can be opened to us that really didn't seem likely or desired or needed or possible
but they OPEN
like a good book that stays open for a very long time and we are changed
and we share it with other people and they change too
and we end up spending time in places we would have never ever thought
(and when I say "we" I mean me)
Me. Lindsey Anne. I am going to be an intern very very soon at Brigham Young... and I have been changed. I am excited to work in a hospital for the next 6 weeks
and I find slaloming exhilarating
I enjoyed making a budget today on Mint.com (yes me, talking about money)
I'm getting a 4G phone in October (yes me, entering this century)
Now my favorite mornings are spent with mom and dad biking or swimming or hiking.
I didn't go to my ward's superactivity. I went to California with bestest friends instead
I played beach volleyball and spikeball and loved it
and expediting didn't stress me out yesterday
and I'm going with the flow and not wondering where the next marker down the channel is
...what has gotten into me?
I think I have come to the realization that I can do whatever I want. What I really really want.
I'm learning that what actually happens sometimes is actually better than what I even wanted in the first place
and that maybe expectations are funny things that should be thrown out and we should just
LIVE instead.
and when I say "we" I mean me. Lindsey Anne.
Love Love Love this post! I am SO glad that everything is working out for you and that you're enjoying your life! You deserve the world Linds! Never let anything say other wise! AND you are moving back to me!!!!! Can we play so much!? Ok, thanks! haha love you!
It looks like you've had a great summer Linds and that you really appreciate the things you've been able to experience. That is an awesome attitude to have! And thanks for commenting on my blog. :) Much appreciated. Love ya!
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